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November 30th; Wednesday. Brave street demonstrations in communist China sparked by the repressive (and of course completely pointless) government restrictions blamed on covid-19 are becoming steadily bolder. Meanwhile, month-old protests in Brazil continue against what many voters there claim was October's tampered election to replace anti-globalist Bolsonaro with pro-globalist Lula. Significantly, since Oct 30th Lula has been quick to draft laws to criminalise criticism of mRNA vaccines (text in Portuguese). Brazil's central bank is likewise in a hurry, to develop a programmable digital currency (text in Portuguese).

November 29th; Tuesday. Overview of the statistical deception that claimed covid-19 was even a serious problem in the first place.
November 28th; Monday. Oncologist says covid-19 mRNA boosters exacerbate his patients' cancers.

November 27th; Sunday. Another round-up of tales of weaponised, politicised science:
(a) South Pole temperatures hit record lows for unprecedented November coldness /
(b) UN vaccine-mandating treaty to overrule national constitutions /
(c) Another part of the 2020 covid-19 narrative made of whole cloth /
(d) So not a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" at all, but in fact unvaccinated people are endangered by the jabbed due to vaccinated people's infectiousness /
(e) NHS England non-covid bed use exceeds entire January 2021 capacity /
(f) Pandemic thermal-tool screening was perhaps unlawful /
(g) The more heavily vaccinated a country, the higher the excess deaths /
(h) Satellite record shows eight years global cooling /
(i) The positive climate role of carbon dioxide /
(j) View gains traction that "fossil fuels" are not made of fossils. Plus this.
November 26th; Saturday. Some general stories that give a range of insights into our strange times:
* i * The globalist elite fear patriotism? /
* ii * Congressmen ask how US government money was recycled to the Democrats through the now-collapsing FTX fund /
* iii * Canadian doctors propose to drug, coerce, and classify as mentally ill people refusing vaccination /
* iv * Doctors claim to be "baffled" by the mysterious and sudden rise in "sudden adult death syndrome", the growing number of excess deaths which obviously correlate with the post-2021 mRNA vaccination drive and nothing else /
* v * A preposterous lawsuit (for 500 billion USD damages, yes half a trillion) for someone who dared to defy the pro-vaccine narrative /
* vi * What now looks very much like a last-minute rehearsal for the covid project -- a deadly (and unnecessary) November 2019 vaccination drive in Samoa.

November 25th; Friday. Dr Paul Alexander says the deep state sabotaged Trump's covid-19 response.
November 24th; Thursday. Did scientists inadvertently cause the AIDS epidemic?

November 23rd; Wednesday. A driver called Aladar Farkas working for Bolt Taxi takes me an hour out of my way, claiming all the time to be misled by his GPS app. Even though I repeatedly ask why he is driving the wrong way, several times spell out the destination address, and clearly say "15th district" on at least three occasions, he lies at the destination, claiming I gave him the wrong address. Charming!
November 22nd; Tuesday. Here's a documentary about French thinker Jacques Ellul, unfortunately obstructed by a Vimeo registration wall. I don't really buy Ellul's thesis about problems in present-day society ('The Betrayal of/by Technology'), but we all like a bit of Francophone theorising now and then.

November 21st; Monday. Someone to inspire all of us. Chinese man ("Uncle Chen") finishes marathon with a good time, apparently chain-smoking while running.
November 20th; Sunday. An interesting (and huge) scandal which has largely been sidelined from mainstream media attention, perhaps because of the high status of many of its backers, is the Theranos fraud. It deserves renewed attention because it shows the nexus between biotechnology, dishonest finance, and hidden establishment support that made the covid-19 scare-scam possible. Its pioneering woman founder Elizabeth Homes, who was a media darling for her bold breaking of industry stereotypes, gets eleven years inside.

November 19th; Saturday. Enthusiasm on Wall Street for a new asset class monetising nature explains part of what's been happening. Long article, but worthwhile.
November 18th; Friday. A US Senator says the taboo-but-obvious: there isn't going to be a shift away from "fossil" fuels.

November 17th; Thursday. Increasing numbers of electric-car battery fires.
November 16th; Wednesday. Politicians from several countries meeting in Bali declare their support (paragraph 32) for the creation of programmable digital money (CBDCs), by which the spending of every single individual can be controlled with fine-tuned precision. This was of course the real purpose of the covid-19 epidemic, plus 2020's and 2021's pre-rehearsed wave of overregulation of, & overreaction to, covid-19 by governments worldwide.

November 15th; Tuesday. Banks in New York now test a roll-out of, yes, a programmable digital dollar. We enter the long-planned covid-crisis endgame.
November 14th; Monday. A scandal is breaking with the collapse of US crypto-currency fund FTX which ought to cause enormous concern. Briefly it appears
(1) Biden officials sent US-taxpayer funds to Ukraine to assist their war effort,
(2) some of these funds were invested in FTX crypto by Ukrainian interests.
(3) FTX then funnelled this money back to the US funding both illegal campaign finance and mass vote tampering in the mid-term elections last week. This then
(4) enabled pro-Biden Democrats to strangely win or survive last week's elections despite voter majorities very publicly against them.
a) Majid Nawaz gives a cogent overview of the FTX collapse /
b) a proper text summary /
c) a radio summary /
d) a video summary /
e) old web page shows WEF links to FTX now apparently removed from the web /
f) FTX chairman arrested in the Bahamas /
g) wealthy sports players helped promote FTX /
h) Armstrong sums up the FTX scandal and finally -
i) narrow control of 18 states achieved by seeming pin-point control of votes and
j) communist Chinese state ownership of US voting machine firms criticised.

November 13th; Sunday. Once-august medical journal The Lancet now.
November 12th; Saturday. A real map: how the Holy Roman Empire looked at the end of the terrible Thirty Years' War. Now that the Westphalia Doctrine is under attack.

November 11th; Friday. First World War Armstice Day (here's a photo of an amusing history coincidence). Meanwhile, votes have still not all been counted in Tuesday's election in the US, echoing a curious new pattern of votes going heavily one way among in-person voters, but then being reversed by mail-in ballots counted later.
November 10th; Thursday. Quentin Tarantino saying that the 1980s 'Top Gun' movie was really all about homosexuality. Understand the film at last!

November 9th; Wednesday. People who got infected with spike proteins by contact with vaccine recipients. A pandemic of the vaccinated.
November 8th; Tuesday. Quick update of news on the covid-vaccine deception.
{1} Plotters caught looking around for some new would-be epidemic (video) /
{2} Mainstream media starting to seriously question the rush-job mRNA vaccines /
{3} Weird reports of the vaccine contents continue /
{4} More evidence that the early covid-19 fatality figures were pumped up /
{5} Covid-19-mRNA-vaccine-caused sickness now a medically recognised syndrome /
{6} More on the newly acknowledged Covid-19-mRNA-vaccine-caused sickness /
{7} So, PCR "tests" were deliberately used to wildly exaggerate the scale of the initial covid-19 epidemic, just as PCR's inventor (who died in August 2019 in the same week as Jeffrey Epstein) Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis warned they would be /
{8} Miscarriages and stillbirths officially attributed to a vaccine reaction since 1990. Considering how much negative mRNA-vaccine data was deliberately suppressed, the real numbers could be, and likely are, far worse /
{9} Lack of warnings from doctors /
{10} Covid-19 virus prefers vaccinated people by a ratio of 7 to 1 /
{11} More about the nano-detritus found in some vaccine vials (video) /
{12} Lots of Australians now regret getting vaccinated /
{13} Valuable history: the supposed miracle vaccines of decades past /
{14} UK government figures show that refusing the vaccine is wiser /
{15} Weird & alarming hidden data from vaccine animal trials (video).

November 7th; Monday. Court case challenges Uganda's digital-ID mandates.
November 6th; Sunday. The government of Scotland admits that wearing operating-theatre paper masks for hours each day is unhealthy.

November 5th; Saturday. Guy Fawkes Night - for fairness, here's an article alleging that the November 4th, 1605, arrest of Fawkes was a false-flag operation (or a let-it-happen operation) akin to the sinking of the Lusitania, the burning of the Reichstag, the alleged Gulf of Tonkin attack, or the 2001 attacks on New York's World Trade Center. Oddly enough, Barry Zwicker does not, at least in this abridged version of the piece, mention the attack on Pearl Harbo(u)r, which is easily the closest recent event in style to what Zwicker alleges the Gunpowder Plot really was. A not-really-false-flag operation in other words. A genuine plot that Cecil's spies allowed to almost succeed for maximum impact. I'd like to read John Gerard's book written at the time.
November 4th; Friday. In a strange incident days ago, a man was arrested on October 28th while fighting with US politician Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul at night in the Pelosi home - according to one report the fight used a hammer while one or both men were in their underwear. However, the intruder appears to have been voluntarily let into the house without any break-in. The media's attempt to frame this as a politically motivated attack on a senior Democratic household is starting to unravel.
(a) The attacker's "right wing" "history" of internet posts appears to have been put in place on the day of the attack, in a rushed attempt to change public perceptions of what happened /
(b) The attacker seems to live with a commune of leftists in reality /
(c) Furthermore, Nancy's husband Paul, a man in his 80s, seems to have told police officers the intruder was "a friend", the hammer belonged to Paul Pelosi, and the intruder's fellow commune residents are claimed to be radical gay nudists some of whom work as gay prostitutes /
(d) None of the emergency phone call transcripts nor the police bodycam footage have been released.

November 3rd; Thursday. More evidence that covid-19 never killed as many people as governments claimed: this time from Finland.
November 2nd; Wednesday. Article about an Italian bestselling book, just now translated into English. It suggests Pope Benedict, signalling in code like a kidnap victim in a ransom-demand video, claims to still be Pope, and the legitimate Pope.

November 1st; Tuesday. All Saints' Day. Or 'Day of the Dead', as they call it here.

Mark Griffith, site administrator / markgriffith at yahoo.com

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